Monday, September 30, 2013

And... Another one!

Project bagette complete

This bag looked a little tricky, but it was super easy!   And hey, I still have more fabric. But, only 2 more zippers. By the way, those little closer clips are brilliant!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My First blog post

So, I finally have a blog. Am I the LAST person to get one?  ;-)
I'll be uploading pictures of tatting and knitting but really, I might just update my Ravelry Notebook, instead.

I recently went shopping at Lovin' Knit and bought a fab new project bag. It's compact and perfect for a pair of socks. I'm knitting my current socks TAAT, toe up with Priscilla Gibson-Roberts style short-row heels and toes. I also found a super soft skein of Mulberry silk (in my new favorite color). It will eventually become a shawl, I think. Or at least a scarf.