Friday, April 4, 2014

Knitting Lab

Experiment #1

The stripes are spiraling a little, but no unsightly pooling. Yay!

Planning to go ahead & make a sock out of this experiment. With a short-row heel on 60% of the stitches (38sts in this example).

The stockinette stitch may change my color pattern. But I'm going to use the 'other' end of the yarn so as not to disturb the color pattern. For the heel. The experiment continues...😎

NO more pooling!

My 1st experiment with Laura Bryant's magic number method of knitting with hand-dyed yarns is going very well indeed. 😋

I'm knitting a sock of ⅔ my magic number.

Yesterday was day 1 of knitting lab. I definitely want to repeat this experiment with previously pooled yarn in my stash!